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THEMIS: a good practice example

Ecological intelligence for sustainable development

THEMIS, an ERASMUS+ School project involving 7 organisations, of which 3 are secondary schools, focuses on raising awareness among secondary school students (12-16 years) about environmental issues and, in particular, how everyone can act to reduce their negative impact on the environment.

"Are you eco-smart?"

It all began with the design of an 'eco-intelligence' questionnaire, which was answered by a total of almost 400 secondary students from the four partner countries (Slovenia, Turkey, Spain and France). Analysis of this questionnaire, which resembled a sort of personality test on pupils' attitudes to ecology, revealed that, on average, they were relatively aware of the need to take action. However, most find it difficult to adopt good habits, or admit that they do not know what to do to bring about positive change.

"THEMIS challenge" - learning to reduce your impact in a fun way

These results served as the basis for the creation of a game for which a total of 24 challenges were designed, accompanied by introductory videos and information sheets on the environmental topics they address. The game can be played between two or more classes from the same school or other schools. A platform has been specially designed so that the points acquired by each class can be validated by the teachers. It is up to each school to decide whether to award a prize to the winning class.

During the month of November 2023, the game was tested by a total of 490 students and 28 teachers in the four countries. Activities included creating eco-friendly menus for school, a video competition on sustainable agriculture, a quiz on waste separation, visiting a market and a supermarket to compare packaging, designing a bioclimatic house and a trip with the lowest possible CO2 emissions and much more. Students were also able to collect points for clothes produced in the EU on condition that they wore them. This challenge took place on two different days so that they could improve their scores.

All tests carried out in secondary schools in the four countries have shown the success of the method: The game is designed to be playful and close to the reality of students' lives. It not only stimulates students' critical thinking and their ability to analyse complex environmental issues, but also makes them recognise their own impact and take action to reduce it.


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